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These adult Vega Gulls Larus (argentatus) vegae were photographed at Fukuoka City, Kyushu, Japan by Atsushi Furuya:
1) This group shot is from November, and Jon King comments: "These are vegae, except the right-hand bird which is a taimyrensis X vegae hybrid. Points suggesting taimyrensis are: darker upps, yellowish legs, whiter head with more defined streaking largely confined to nape, paler iris, slightly 'gentler' feel to head structure, and later moult (Primary
Moult Score is in the low 30s, while on the vegae behind to left it is around 40).
However, points against this as a pure taimyrensis are: overall structure (e.g., bill) a little too 'husky', upps probably a little pale, legs too admixed pink-orange, moult too advanced (PMS of taimyrensis is usually at early 30s in about Jan).":

2) No date for this image; Atsushi states that it was smaller than nearby Vega Gulls; Jon King comments: "This one looks like a 4y vegae/birulai to me, but it does seem rather dinky so it may be a female (or possibly have some taimyrensis influence, note also the fairly fine head streaking and apparently rather pale iris).":