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Here are four definitive-alternate Mongolian Gulls Larus (c?) mongolicus, photographed at Olkhon Island, Lake Baikal on August 16, 1997 by Geert Groot Koerkamp. Geert comments: "Impression of most adults was that they were rather robust, with long yellow bills with red spot on gonys not extending onto upper mandible and no black. Eyes appeared dark from a distance, some birds having a particularly beady-eyed appearance. Closer looks often showed a yellowish iris. Orbital ring red. Legs mostly pink or greyish. I have studied gulls at Olkhon Island, in the centre of Lake Baikal, and I haven't seen any yellow-legged birds there. Tip of P10 not entirely white, but with a subterminal black band. I haven't seen mongolicus raise their wings during long call, as described for cachinnans by Jonsson."
Note the stage of molt apparent here:- the first three birds have a new P5 and old P6 - P10 , plus old/worn upperparts feathers; the lowest bird is more advanced, with a new P6 almost fully-grown and fresh upperpart feathers:

First bird:

Second bird - note how in the upper image there is a small black mark near the tip of the upper mandible, but is is not visible in the lower image; is this debris from digging in the dark soil, or an actual feature of the bill plate? - it seems coincidental that the next bird (below) has an almost-identical mark, yet Geert comments that these birds were feeding in a muddy field:

Third bird - note the dark marks near the tip of the tail; is this a 3rd-alternate molting into 4th-basic?:

Fourth bird - Geert comments that this is a rather small-billed individual: