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This adult-basic Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus ) was photographed by Martin Reid at Corpus Christi Landfill, Tarrant County, Texas, on March 04, 2004; as is normal for birds seen in Texas, the mantle was clearly a bit darker than on Laughing Gull:

This first-winter presumed Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus ) was photographed by Martin Reid at Corpus Christi Landfill, Tarrant County, Texas, on March 04, 2004; it is quite unusual in that the mantle/scaps are all 2nd-generation feathers (yet typically dark), and the tail has no white at the base plus the uppertail coverts are heavily-marked with dark bars. The primaries and primary coverts have that "oily" look typical of LBBG types :