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These photos were taken by Martin Reid on January 19th, 2003, on Lake Worth, near Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. I first saw this gull at quite a distance (while waiting for a close-by California Gull to quit sleeping!), but could determine that it was smaller than the RBGUs, with a slightly darker mantle; at first I thought it might be a Mew Gull, as the tertial crescent looked good - but I could just make out a hooded effect on the head, as well as some yellow tones to the bill:

- this had me puzzled, so I changed locations and managed to find the bird again, but much closer; I was rather surpised to see what seems to be an adult hybrid between Franklin's Gull and Ring-billed Gull:

The bill was as thick as the nearby RBGUs, and the tip of both maxilla and mandible were pale, creating a ringed effect similar to that of 2nd-basic RBGU:

- the tail was all-white and the folded primaries seemed to match that of an adult FRGU; the mantle shade was about that I'd expect on a palish Mew Gull - thus clearly lighter than the normal tone for FRGU:

In direct comparison to nearby RBGUs the bill was almost identical in shape and size - perhaps slightly shorter; I'd judge the color to be yellow-orange:

The legs were a paler yellow-orange:

The hood was "broken", and the foot seems to be darker than the legs; note the RBGU-like mirrors on Ps10: