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Update April 20 2005: this bird was seen again at the Landfill today - click here to see the latest pics.
Update Feb 04 2005: this bird was seen again at the Landfill today - click here to see the latest pics.
Update Jan 20 2005: this bird reappeared at the Landfill today, but now loks strikingly different - click here to see the new pics.

This gull was at the Elliot Landfill, Corpus Christi, Texas on December 08 2004; it was the size of a large RBGU:
Note the short white eye-crescent above the eye (absent below) on both sides; the 2nd-generation mantle/scap and breast freathers typical of a four-year gull; the pale panel on the inner primaries (similar to that of darkish 1st-cycle RBGUs); the white shafts and hint of pale markings at the base of the outer retrices; the white-centered, brown-fringed underwing coverts (like on the darkest juv RBGUs, and on Mew Gull); the odd bill shape that seems wrong for either RBGU or CAGU:-