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Update Dec 2007: A chance browse through the photos from this date allowed me to realize that I had actually digiscoped this same individual... new images added at the bottom of the page, with a comparative Yellow-legged Gull from Newfoundland:

These pics were taken on March 15, 2006 in the Coastal Plain near Houston and Galveston, Texas; my memory of the event is that I saw these two darker-backed large gulls and decided to take some record shots, hoping to then get closer for better looks - but moments later all the gulls were spooked, and when they re-settled I never saw either bird again:

The left-hand darker gull is clearly an adult California Gull, but what is the right-hand bird?:

Below I've "moved" the CAGU over next to the other gull for comparison:

This is the only other pic of these birds, and again I've "moved" the CAGU over next to the mystery gull:

Note the following data extracted from Steve Howell's BIRDING article on gull mantle shades:

L. californicus albertaensis
5 - 6
L. michahellis michahellis 6 - 7
L. californicus californicus 6 - 7.5
L. michahellis atlantis 7 - 8
L. fuscus graellsii 9 - 11

Update Dec 2007: I have just discovered that buried among the 100+ images I took that day were a handful of digiscope pics of this same individual:

For Comparison here's an adult Yellow-legged Gull from Newfoundland: